
Friday, December 7


Helloooo :D -.- Update kinda late today. & you guys know why ? No, you don't -.- Dad change the password alr. YEAH! -.- So, you know, can't online that easy from now on.

Don't feel like updating the photos in Disneyland, kinda rained that day. maybe some glowing photos ? Like this ....


HAHAAAA. I'm just like Stardust! Perasan nia :p
Notice that I'm really glowing ? No edits made okay ? I PROMISE & SWEAR with everything I have. Lol.

So..just back from the AIRPORT, you know, the place where there's lotsa happy & sad scene..Hugging here, waving there.. & I was there just to SMILE like a smiling human & nod the head to my dad's boss, cos he's going back to Japan! -.- Great, Japan again. I feel so like going there again, but then, it's bout 4-11 degrees there now. Anyway, after all the waving, smiling, social thingie, we went back home lor, what else? -.-

Since bro is always hungry :x We went for........SUPPER ! -.- Hmmm, Roti Tissue anyone ate that before? Well, I believe that of course you all eat before, & it's nice right ? Lol. & Fried Maggie.. All these food are so fattening, -.-

So, makan makan, back home, & time to sleep now -.- Btw, having PC Fair, I wanna go ler dad, read this? Lol. You kinda pilih kasih you know, read lil bro's blog & tag there but not mine T.T Haha. Anyway, going to Xiang Min's house warming party tomorrow. Hope it'll be fun :x

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